An average of 13,000 Americans is killed between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day, some as a result of unperformed vehicle maintenance, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Each year, neglected maintenance leads to more than 2,600 deaths, nearly 100,000 disabling injuries and more than $2 billion in lost wages, medical expenses and property damage.
Most mechanical failures can be traced to neglected maintenance. For example, the U. S. Department of Transportation reports the leading cause of mechanical breakdown on our nation's highways is overheating, a condition that is easily avoidable. Other deficiencies that are simple to detect include low antifreeze/coolant, worn or loose drive belts and defective cooling system hoses.
Checking tire pressure and inflating a tire costs nothing, yet an average of 21 percent of cars inspected in check lanes during National Car Care Month have under inflated tires. This can lead to a blowout and a serious accident.
The Citrus Air and Auto offers these fuel-saving tips:
Vehicle gas caps -- About 17 percent of the vehicles on the roads have gas caps that are either damaged, loose or are missing altogether, causing 147 million gallons of gas to vaporize every year.
Under inflated tires -- When tires aren't inflated properly it's like driving with the parking brake on and can cost a mile or two per gallon.
Worn spark plugs -- A vehicle can have either four, six or eight spark plugs, which fire as many as 3 million times every 1,000 miles, resulting in a lot of heat and electrical and chemical erosion. A dirty spark plug causes misfiring, which wastes fuel. Spark plugs need to be replaced as recommended by the manufacturer.
Dirty air filters -- An air filter that is clogged with dirt, dust and bugs chokes off the air and creates a "rich" mixture -- too much gas being burned for the amount of air, which wastes gas and causes the engine to lose power. Replacing a clogged air filter can improve gas mileage by as much as 10 percent, saving about 20 cents a gallon.
Air Conditioning Service-Repair
Batteries and Electrical System
Belts & Hoses / Brake Service
Computerized Diagnostics
Cooling System Maintenance
CV and Drive Axles / Front End
Diesel Engine Service
General Maintenance Oil Changes, Radiators Service
Suspension, Shocks, and Struts
Tire Rotation / Wheel Balancing / Flat Repair
Transmission Service
Citrus Air and Auto, for All of Your Auto Repairs & Vehicle Maintenance Needs it is a full-service preventive maintenance and auto repairs center in Leesburg, FL 34748 area, specializing in Car Care Services, General Services, Undercar Services, Heating and Cooling Services, Electrical Services, Transmission Services, Electronic Services, Internal Engine Services, Heavy-Duty Services and Miscellaneous Services since 1993.
Our experts have the knowledge to service and repair even the most challenging auto problems on all makes and models of domestic and import vehicles. We use the latest technology to assess the situation and offer you alternatives.
We guarantee all of our work and know you'll be happy with the outcome. Stop in or give us a call at (352) 314-8667 to let us know how we can help you!